Redirect 2% for Moldcell Foundation projects

How much does it cost to support Moldcell Foundation? Nothing. The 2% law allows each of us to contribute to the promotion of social projects of NGOs. This is a call to action to everyone, about the possibility of redirecting 2% of the income tax to the Moldcell Foundation projects, helping Moldova to become a better place to live.

For more than 1 year, Moldcell Foundation has managed to launch major projects for society:
#InternetWithoutWorries and child safety in the online environment. #LikeFromGrannies – integrating elderly people in the digital world. It were organized lessons for creative young people in collaboration with the COR Center and Artcor. The Foundation were there for everyone who needed our help during the pandemic. Launched a special Abonament for people with disabilities. A priority direction for the Moldcell Foundation is social entrepreneurship, that is why the Foundation supports the GoYouth+ project, for young people from rural areas who are not employed or don’t go to university.

In the context of the crisis in the neighboring country and the massive flow of refugees, the Foundation donated 100 inflatable beds to the MoldExpo placement center, along with Moldcell’s actions to ensure communication for refugees and Moldcell subscribers in Ukraine: free SIM cards, minutes, and Internet in Roaming, as well as reduced tariffs for international calls to Ukraine.

The redirecting procedure is simple and fast. You can do it online by applying the electronic signature. All the steps, click here.