Purple Team – the Moldcell volunteer team consisted from employees who makes you feel like…Home!
It is said that it is not the job that makes you, but you make the job. In addition to the basic job, which they perform with great enthusiasm, those who are part of the Moldcell volunteer team, try through Purple Team activities, to change the world for the better, bring positive energy in the lives of those who need the most.
To be good and kind is always in trend, that’s why we promote sustainability. Thus, Purple Team is a team of responsible people, with creative spirit, eager to respond to charity activities, who love challenges and do the best they can.
The volunteer project was created in 2013 from a philanthropic start to educate the new generation through their own example of personal and proactive involvement in our community. At the same time, Moldcell won the award for corporate volunteering.
- Children (from orphanages, kindergartens, socially vulnerable families, with disabilities, etc.)
- Left outside, poor old people
- Environment / Ecology
- Animals (pet shelter)
- Trainings / workshops
- Supporting initiatives from other organizations / partnerships
- Support in organizing company events – internal volunteering
Social activities and projects covered by Purple Team
- Orphanages. At a time when orphanages were active, Purple Team visited the whole country, visiting orphanages in Soroca, Nisporeni, Cahul, Orhei, Strășeni, Hâncești, the orphanage in Chișinău, children with disabilities. At the moment, we keep in touch only with the orphanage from Ceadîr-Lunga.
By visiting them, we aim to make children happy and especially to help them discover the world differently through certain activities, such as: origami workshops, hand-made, puzzles, lego, quests, monopoly, hairstyles and make-up, carpentry workshop – bird houses, board games. We also organize trips for children to Chișinău (zoo, cinema, mall, museums), we organize performances at orphanages, organize New Year’s Eve party with animation and Santa Claus or invite children to Moldcell office. - Support and donations for children from socially vulnerable families
- Visiting lonely old people in the villages. Preparation and delivery of food packages and more. Visiting nursing homes and offering holiday aid: Easter, May 9th, October 1st – Elderly Day
- Ecology. Were organized the Green Days, arrangement of public spaces in the rural areas (park or city center). Involvement in carrying out renovation works (playgrounds, planting flowers or trees, etc.)
- Animal shelters. Collection and transportation of animal feed, construction of shelters for animals
- Training. Workshops on life skills for children, online safety, personal budget management, adolescence, etc.