Together for health. Together in the fight against the Covid-19 virus
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Moldcell and Moldcell Foundation have been near to the people of Moldova. #EverythigWillBeOk was and remains our motto for this period, not easy at all.
For us, the priority is the health and well-being of all Moldovan citizens. Guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goal nr. 3: Health and Well-Being, we were close to those who needed help the most. We offered free minutes and internet traffic to doctors, children, teachers, Moldcell subscribers, patients of Covid-19 hospitals. We have provided 5,000 protective suits, daily hot lunches for the medical staff of the country’s hospitals, as well as 10 lung vents for 8 hospitals from the country.
In addition to the support of Moldcell and the Moldcell Foundation for overcoming the epidemiological situation, the value of which exceeds 10 million lei, we have made considerable efforts to digitize our services. Moldcell subscribers continued their work and business administration, studies, shopping, etc. We managed to maintain this connection, remotely, at a high level and as accessible as possible.
We are still convinced that #EverythingWillBeOk, important to stay united.
Together, against Covid – 19!
Moldcell provided 10 lung vents for 8 hospitals in the country
Moldcell continues to be with the heroes from front line against Coronavirus. In order to help doctors in their difficult mission, as well as to help increase the number of healthy people, on July 20 Moldcell, supported by its shareholder CG Cell and Moldcell Foundation, offered 10 lung ventilators for 8 hospitals with COVID profile from the country.
Moldcell provided 5,000 protective suits for medical staff in Moldova
To make the work of doctors and medical staff a little easier and to protect them, as the number of those infected among medical workers is growing, Moldcell together with the Moldcell Foundation supplied doctors in the country with 5,000 protective suits.
Moldcell provides support to doctors, teachers and children
For their dedication, flexibility and ability to quickly adapt to the new conditions, to all teachers, Moldcell subscribers, who needed additional Internet traffic to run online lessons, Moldcell offered 50 GB. For 500 children who do not have the opportunity to study online, Moldcell granted 15,000 GB per month for the entire quarantine period.
In gratitude to doctors for their titanic and selfless work, Moldcell offered 300 national minutes per month and 5 GB of additional Internet traffic per tariff plan.